I hope everyone is doing well and that anyone in the US isn't struggling too much with the time switch (I know that I'm feeling rather groggy today as my body wasn't prepared for the switch). The seasons are beginning to shift, as well--this past week had some warmer weather, but winter hasn't fully relinquished its grasp quite yet, providing additional cold and snow amongst the spring-like sunshine and warmth. It's sort of like the weather is a yo-yo, going up and down and all around. It definitely keeps us on our toes, never quite knowing what to expect. Honestly, it feels like life is encouraging us to take things one step at a time and get present with the current moment instead of getting so far ahead of ourselves in the future.
Speaking of keeping us on our toes with the unexpected, the outside world has been unleashing all sorts of interesting experiences and unpredictable drama. It's kind of like life has decided to release its own theater; being an observer to it all is quite the unique experience. It's wild how many people are talking purely off the same script; those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear are witnessing it all.
The boys had a fairly typical week, although they are quite ready for spring break (not that I blame them). They had some quizzes and tests to take this past week, which they did well on. They also had after school activities, such as clubs and ultimate frisbee practice. They're excited for the warmer weather and were a bit bummed that there was a sudden cold front and snowstorm on Wednesday (but there was still school). Otherwise, they've been pretty excited and happy about life.
Tsuki had a pretty chill week, enjoying plenty of rest and relaxation. She frequented many of her favorite spots for cozy cat naps, enjoyed snuggling up with me for some snoozing, and just taking it easy. Tsuki enjoyed plenty of birdwatching from her window shelf and the porch. The weather was a bit temperamental and fluctuated, which resulted in some days being full of warm sunshine while other days were perfect for cozying up with the fire. Tsuki truly knows how to enjoy life, savoring rest and relaxation while also knowing how to make the most out of play and fun. She's such a blessing to have.
Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content! Also feel free to check out our Thought Spot section that explores various topics of thought and conversation!
New Creativity Chronicles' content included:
Please remember to take care of yourself and prioritize your peace of mind and well-being. Things seem to be getting quite heated in the outside world, with all sorts of dramas popping off. Your peace and well-being are priceless, though, so make sure to practice self-care. You can detach from the drama of it all and do what's best for you. You don't need to participate; you can choose to walk your own path. You can choose to remain in your own company if the rest of the world is getting too chaotic. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate life; you're doing the best you can, and you're doing just fine. Take things one step at a time, and you'll reach your goals and ultimate destination. There's no need to rush; trust the process. The universe has your back, and it's working its magic behind the scenes for everything to unfold beautifully. Remember to breathe and let it all flow. Good things are coming. Take care and wishing you all a wonderful rest of your weekend!
Food for thought for the week: