I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool! It was another fairly warm/hot week (although a bit of cooler weather peeked in from time to time--come on, fall; work your magic!). As such, I continued to struggle with sleep, waking up too hot and uncomfortable and struggling to fall back asleep. Can't wait for the cooler weather to set in; it's going to be so blissful. I ended up visiting my friend and her new kittens this week (they're super cute), as well as going to my cousin's 5th birthday party and visiting with my aunt from out of town. It was a fairly busy week, and I look forward to some down time for rest and relaxation; need to balance things out and recharge my batteries. Hopefully, you all have been doing better and getting all the rest you need! If I remember correctly, I heard we're approaching eclipse season. Here's hoping fall is a smooth season with less chaos and drama!
The boys had another busy week, full of school and activities. They were chatting about video games, theories, anime, trains, and collectibles this week. I was told that I should get Roblox on my phone so that I could play with them. They also started discussing different theories related to multiple of their favorite theories (such as how Ash Ketchum could stay young/10-years-old for so long). The boys seem pretty excited about the local fall festival this weekend, too.
Tsuki had a pretty chill week, enjoying plenty of rest and relaxation. She savored plenty of cozy cat naps, snuggling, peacefully lounging, birdwatching from her window shelf, playing, sneak attacks, as well as shenanigans and antics. She's so cute, adorable, and goofy; life's so much better with Tsuki around.
Artwork for the week included continuing the jumbo diamond art design of Tsuki my boyfriend got me (it takes up like the whole kitchen table):
This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content!
New Creativity Chronicles' content included:
The human experience can be messy, chaotic, and complicated, so be kind and gentle with yourself. Everyone is doing the best they can, even if it feels like "it's not enough." Some days will be more challenging than others, but that doesn't make you a failure. Some days even the "simplest" of tasks can feel like climbing a mountain, so give yourself a break and some extra TLC. It's important to take care of yourself, filling up your own cup, so you can fill up others' cups. Take things one step at a time and take your time. There will always be things to do, so there's no need to rush and force yourself to do things when you don't have the energy to do them. It's okay to do the bare minimum some days because life is full of ebb and flow, highs and lows. Each day will look differently, so take it easy and see what tomorrow holds. Better times are coming, so keep faith and do your best. You matter, and the world is a better place with you in on it. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
Food for thought for the week: