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New Month and New Beginnings

Writer's picture: JessicaJessica

I hope everyone is doing well and that life has been treating you kindly. Things have been pretty heated with how people have been reacting--it's pretty wild to witness. It's so interesting to watch as people double-down on their beliefs and disregarding any accountability they have in things, insisting that they are "right" while needing other people to chime in and agree with them--if they were so certain they are correct, is it truly necessary to have all sorts of people validate your perspective? Mind you, I know life is complicated and that uncertainty can pop up, but the truth speaks for itself--you can't actually argue with the truth because the truth is the truth, and the truth always comes out. Now, if people were more willing to have open, honest, respectful conversations with one another and be willing to actively listen and strive to genuinely understand the other side, I feel like a lot of the struggles and issues we see nowadays wouldn't be so prevalent. With how people have different values, needs, interests, etc. it's not possible for everyone to agree on every single thing, but I feel like the world would be in a better state if people could agree to disagree on things and try to come up with a compromise and solution that works for both sides. Will both sides be 100% happy with the solution/compromise? No, but we need to stop seeing our fellow humans as "the enemy;" we're all in this together, so we'd benefit way more from working together rather than trying to work against one another. It won't always be easy--it will likely be a messy process, but the important thing is that everyone put in genuine effort and strive to do their best.

The boys were excited for the day off school on Election Day; it was a pretty busy day for me, hanging out with them, tending to their dogs, and taking them to appointments. On Wednesday, the older of the two was super excited with the results, going on about how hilarious Trump was with the garbage truck. We got into a conversation about how he was allowed to feel however he felt, even excited and happy, about the results, but that it's also important to be mindful and respectful of others--not everyone shares those feelings, so to keep in mind that other can be rubbed the wrong way with how people say things, getting poked where their hurt, and remember that there's a time and place for things. Not everyone will want to hear things, and while that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be shared, that doesn't mean that it's necessary to share certain things with everyone. People are entitled to their feelings, but that doesn't justify bad behavior or reactions (such as making fun of the other side). I told him that I would listen to anything he wanted to share or talk about, but not everyone can handle certain topics or perspectives. He seemed to take it well (I just didn't want him to unintentionally get into an argument or fight with someone because they took what he was saying the wrong way). Otherwise, it was a fairly laid-back and uneventful week with the boys and their dogs; a lot of the regular routine.

I ended up helping my one friend when she got stranded this week due to some flooding, buses not running, others being unavailable, etc.; thankfully, I had the ability and time to go get her, otherwise, she would have been stuck in the middle of nowhere for who knows how long. I also ended up checking up on and hanging out a lot with my other friend and her daughter this week; her baby is coming any day now. I ended up chilling at their house, meeting up with them in a park another day, and making them pancakes another day. I just want those important to me to know that I care and that I will show up for them the best I can (because so many people choose not to show up and to let people down when they are needed most). I know I can't do everything, but I do strive to do what I can. Hopefully, my friend will have an easy delivery this time around (she shared more details about her first time with her daughter, and it honestly sounded like a terrifying nightmare--the doctors and hospital staff truly did her dirty and were so unprofessional).

Tsuki enjoyed a pretty snuggly week with how cool and rainy it was. She partook in plenty of cozy cat naps on her favorite chair, on the couch, in her cat house, snuggling with my lap, etc. Tsuki enjoyed soaking up sunshine on the porch, getting into all sorts of antics and shenanigans, playing with new toys and bells, and being her typical goofy and adorable self. She also had a blast birdwatching and watching the rain from her window shelf. Tsuki is one of a kind and makes life so much better.

Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content!


New Creativity Chronicles' content included:

No matter what life throws your way, know that you matter and that you have every right to not only have boundaries but to have those boundaries respected. Other people are entitled to their feelings and perspectives, yes, but that does not give them the right to belittle, mistreat, invalidate, disrespect, and be cruel to you. They don't have to agree with you, but that doesn't give them the right to try to gaslight, bully, and shame you for being a reasonable human that expects to be treated decently, kindly, and with respect. Yes, be mindful if you have a role to play in how things play out, but that does not excuse others' poor behavior and unkind, disrespectful choices. You don't need to be around people that continuously drain you and act like you're crazy, like you're "the problem," like everything is "your fault," and refuse to listen, genuinely understand, or put in any effort into the relationship--friendship and genuine relationships are places where you feel safe, valued, and cared for. Nobody is perfect, but if trust is broken, the other party, if they genuinely care, will take the time to actively listen and try to understand, take accountability for their actions, and see how they can repair the situation. You don't need to be "friends" with people that continuously harm you; some people don't know what true friendship is. Yes, you can give them several chances (sometimes people have off days), but that doesn't mean that you disregard your own feelings, needs, and wants for their sake. Relationships are all about reciprocal give and take--it's not a relationship if you're the only one giving. Stand up for yourself and do what's right for you. You're important and worthy--the world is better with you in it, so find your people, the ones that value you and appreciate you. You've got this! Take care and have a wonderful rest of your weekend~

Food for thought for the week:

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