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Snow Day Fun~

Writer's picture: JessicaJessica

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. It's been a wild week in the US with extremes going on with weather/nature: severe snowstorms in places like the Midwest while fires rage in California. School and work got canceled for a lot of people out here, so, thankfully, there weren't any serious injuries (at least that I heard of). It was challenging to get cars out of driveways and slippery to walk on surfaces due to all the ice, but most people chose to stay indoors. My heart goes out to everyone that's lost their homes in California, though; I hope their leadership gets their acts together because it's ridiculous that the fire fighters had their hands tied because fire hydrants lacked water. I'm sure residents in California are livid about that. Best wishes to anyone impacted by weather and natural disasters, and I hope people can come together and help one another make it through the tough times.

Be mindful of what you surround yourself with; it's of the utmost importance to be extremely selective of the people, places, and energy you allow into your life. Energy doesn't lie, and these things can only help or hinder you. While it's important to treat others with common decency, you don't owe anyone anything, so don't feel obligated to give your time, energy, care, and love to those that are demanding it; it's yours to give as you see fit, and you have every right to say no. There are all sorts of people out there in the world, so while it's best to choose kindness and respect, make sure that you're showing yourself kindness and respect because there are those individuals and groups out there that will intentionally bring you down and tear you apart without hesitation.

People have passed on that the group is still up to their old ways, trying to start new smear campaigns and rumors about me, trying to paint me out to be a villain. It's sad that they are clinging on so desperately (because they're convinced I'm being spiteful and vengeful even though I haven't been in any shared spaces with them, spoken to/had anything to do with any of them, and hadn't even started conversations about them--others will come to me about how the officially diagnosed narcissist probably created another account, the narcissist is spreading hate about me, etc. If me doing nothing is being spiteful, hateful, vengeful, etc., I have to wonder how they would handle someone actually being that way); I've let go and moved on (focusing on new experiences and joy in my life rather than wasting time ruminating about how they've wronged me), and I'm so much happier now because of that. I've reflected a lot since I began separating myself from that group back in October of 2024, and I've come to realize how much being around their energy was hindering and harming me. The dark doesn't like the light because there's nowhere left to hide, so it lashes out drying to dim the light and get rid of it.

I've realized how what I refer to as the "Peanut Gallery" (basically this negative voice in my head that comes in to try to make me feel awful) has been completely silent, save for one instance when it began whispering after I underwent more gaslighting and manipulation from family members. The Peanut Gallery had been quite vocal when I was interacting with that other group, and lo and behold, it's gone away now that I'm no longer around them. I also suffered from the worst, extremely graphic nightmares of my life when I interacted with them; I haven't had any since I split from them. And, based on what others have been telling me about how that other group has been pretty miserable since I left, it isn't all that surprising. The energy you're around impacts you, so do yourself a favor and eliminate or limit as much as possible any negative energies in your life. Your well-being depends on it, so put yourself first and surround yourself with people that support and genuinely care about you. Don't put up with people's toxic nonsense; you deserve way better, and anyone that's acting like that group is not a genuine friend (not sure if they even know how to be real friends, which is sad).

It was an abnormal week for the boys; they were supposed go back to school from winter break, but due to all the snow and ice, they had snow days Monday through Wednesday. It was interesting to hear their commentary on Thursday; the younger brother was miffed that it was "pointless" for them to go to school for only a couple of days for the week, wishing they had had school the previous day. The older brother was upset that they had school on Thursday because the roads were still unclean, meaning that it could be a bit dangerous to travel. When I picked them up from school later that afternoon, the younger brother was then hoping that they would have a snow day on Friday because he was mad that his teachers saddled him down with a bunch of homework. I ended up picking up my friend's daughter from school afterwards, as she had gotten stuck in traffic. Her daughter was telling me that school was horrible with a mean substitute that just yelled at everyone and how she didn't want to be at school. They both got their wishes as another snowstorm came in, granting them yet another snow day. There's been so much snow over the last week.

Tsuki enjoyed a relaxed week indoors, getting cozy by the fire, snuggling with me and her favorite spots, etc. There were plenty of comfy cat naps, shenanigans with toys and anything else she could get her paws on, birdwatching and snow gazing from her window shelf, and moments of just being an adorable, goofy kitty. Since it got a bit warmer today, she also went out to play and explore in the snow, which she loved. Tsuki was also excited to have me home more often due to all the snow days; it was a pretty peaceful week.

Artwork for the week included more diamond art:

This week I created more new content for Creativity Chronicles, so feel free to check out the newest content! Also feel free to check out our Thought Spot section that explores various topics of thought and conversation!


New Creativity Chronicles' content included:

No matter what life throws your way, remember that you get to choose how you respond and how you proceed. The road ahead will have challenges, setbacks, heartaches, lessons, victories, blessings, joy, love, and more. What attitude do you choose to bring to the table? That's not to say that you aren't allowed to have your feelings about situations and experiences; you're entitled to your emotions and should feel them. That said, that doesn't give you a free pass to be nasty to other people, to string others along, to lash out and hurt them, to sling mud and hate, to manipulate and lie to others, etc. One way or another, you will be held accountable for your actions because you are responsible for the choices you make. The saying "what goes around comes around" exists for a reason; you will reap what you sew, and what you put out into the world will come back to you. When it comes time for the harvest, will you be satisfied and excited for your crop? If you do your best to choose kindness, respect, honesty, and love you will. Yes, others can still choose ill will, nastiness, hate, and the like, but that's their energy--they'll have to deal with the mess they create. You don't have to put up with it and stick around; you get to choose your energy and who and what you associate with. You can tell others no and leave. You don't owe them anything, so do what's best for you. Live a life you can be proud of. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, everyone!

Food for thought for the week:



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