Spin Art
Ever wanted to make your own spin art at home, but you didn't want to buy a kit? Good news! You don't need a kit to create spin art at home; you probably already have a lot of the materials at your home already, but if not, you can easily acquire them for cheap.

Materials Needed
Materials that you need to make your own spin art at home:
*Paper material to create your spin art on; I always use white cardstock as it holds up better since it's thicker than regular printer paper
*Paint dispensers; I use condiment bottles I got from Dollar Tree, but mini squeeze bottles for sauces/candy making work great, too
*Paint; I use acrylic paint
*Spinner; I use a salad spinner from IKEA that I got for $5 or $6
*Drying area; since I don't have a drying rack, I use a laminated piece of construction paper/messy mat

That's all you need! I've seen plenty of kits selling for $20-$30. You can easily do your own spin art for less. I bought cardstock in bulk for a variety of projects (it was about $10). I bought 3 packs of the condiment bottles from Dollar Tree. As mentioned above, I got the salad spinner for around $6. I got 3 quart sized (32 oz) bottles of acrylic paint for about $6 a piece from Michael's. If you don't want to buy such a large bottle of paint, you can get a variety of 2 oz bottles of acrylic paint from Walmart; they sell Apple Barrel paint, many usually from $.50-$1. The "messy mat" cost me nothing, as I was able to laminate a piece of construction paper at school. If you aren't able to do that, you can easily use cardboard from a box or an empty cereal box. Spin art really doesn't have to cost a lot. The kits usually don't have a lot of paint. By making my own "kit," I have so much more materials that I can use for a variety of projects and activities, and it only cost me about $36. I think it's much more cost effective and much more worth it. Besides, I've given this homemade "kit" to some of the kids I babysit, and they love it; one of the girls noted that the store-bought kit someone gave her before made much more of a mess--the salad spinner contains all of the paint. It's great!
1. Gather your materials

*Note: I tend to add some water to the paint in the dispenser so the paint isn't too thick; if the paint is too thick, it doesn't spread very well
2. Place your paper inside the salad spinner.

3. Add paint (complementary colors, like red and green, will make a brownish color, so beware)

4. Spin! Spin! Spin!

5. Take your spin art out to dry. Ta-dah! You've made your own spin art! Keep creating as much spin art as you like, but the salad spinner can sometimes fill up with a bit much of paint, so keep an eye out. Have fun!